Welcome to the 'Save our Scarlet' web site

You may be wondering what this site is all about. Well it is a response to the staggering support that members of the MGF BBS community have given Andy Phillips in his hour of need. Who is Andy Phillips? If you've been reading the BBS over the last 5 years, then you will probably already know him (otherwise known as 'Scarlet Fever') as the kindly fellow who is always one of the first to come forward to offer support and advice to others in their moments of need, with no thought of reward for himself. So perhaps, given the character of the man, it is of no surprise to find that people are willing to help him in the way that he helped them in the past. Well, to anyone other than Andy that is, who has been utterly blown away by the support offered: this is what the "MG: marquee of friendship" is all about. This is an on-going, developing story - one that I am sure that you are interested in following. To keep everyone up to speed with the hopeful 'rebirth' of Scarlet Fever, this web-page has been put together. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for a happy ending to a sorry tale that started one Saturday evening in early February. Rob Bell

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